Amblyseius swirskii

Amblyseius swirskii is an excellent beneficial mite for preventative control of thrips, whitefly and various mite species. Adult females lay eggs arranged on leaf hairs.When temperatures reach 22℃, the larvae hatch and mature to adulthood in about a week.

  • Use for
  • How it works
  • Product specifications
  • Directions for use
  • Product handling

Use for

Use for

Young larvae of various thrip species eggs and larvae whitefly

How it works

How it work

Amblyseius swirskii pierce their prey with their sucking mouth parts and suck out the contents.

Product specifications

Product specifications

Pack size    30,000/bottle

Carrier       Wheat bran

Directions for use

Directions for use

Sprinkle the contents on the leaves

Product handling

Product handling

Storage time after receipt

1-2 days

Storage temperature


Storage Conditons

In the dark