Dastarcus helophoroides, falling into coleoptera and Bothrideridae family is the predatory beetle that attacks various long horned beetles such as Anoplophoranobilis, A. glabripennis and A. chinensis. A female D. helophoroides lays 1,000 eggs every year, which hatch into larvae when the temperature is over 23℃. Then the larvae enter holes to search for long horned beetles, and feed on their nutritions when they find long horned beetles.D.helophoroides larvae pupate in 7-9 days after feeding on the nutritions of long horned beetles. D.helophoroides develop into large populations rapidly. Their progenies regard long horned beetles as enemies until all the long horned beetles are wiped out completely.
Target Crops: Various Trees
Target Pest: Various long Horned Beetles
Target Life: Larva
Packaging: Plastic Tubes